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How to Use

Add ReleaseZri to your project with the following steps.

Create a changelog#

ReleaseZri doesn't extract release notes from commit messages since that approach doesn't give meaningful release notes. It extracts release notes from file in your repository. Create changelog with the following format.

# Changelog
Add all code changes (features, deprecations, and enhancements)
under the `Unreleased` topic to track changes for the next release.
## Unreleased
### API: window
- `window.getTitle` returns the current native window title.
## v4.0.0
### API: window
- `window.setTitle` sets the current native window title.

There are no strict rules. You only need to use ## Unreleased for unreleased changes and level 3 (###) or below headings for changes. You can update this changelog manually whenever you need regardless of what you commit.

Create a release note template#

ReleaseZri generates release notes and embeds to a template. Now add your template to .releasezri/ , as shown below.

## What's new
Get started with {RZ_VERSION}:

Supported template variables#

  • RZ_VERSION: New version number, Eg: 3.2.0. This doesn't contain v, so if you need v prefix, you have to use v before this template variable.
  • RZ_CHANGELOG: Generated release notes markdown. Release notes is extracted from your
  • RZ_RZVERSION: ReleaseZri script version.
  • RZ_DATE: System date in yyyy-mm-dd format.
  • RZ_TIME: System time in hh:mm:ss format.

Add the release note generation script#

Copy-paste scripts/ into your project.

Update your DevOps workflow#

When you run create <version>, it will generate release notes to .tmprz/ Also, it will update by adding the new version. You can run cleanup to remove the .tmprz directory after using the generated release note.

You can use this release note generation script locally or with any DevOps pipleline. For example, see how to integrate ReleaseZri with GitHub Actions.

Add a workflow step to create release notes.

- name: Create Release Notes
run: |
chmod +x ./scripts/
./scripts/ create ${{github.event.inputs.version}}

Add another step to commit and push changelog's updates.

- name: Commit and Push Changelog
uses: EndBug/add-and-commit@v7.4.0
default_author: github_actions
message: 'Update changelog for v${{github.event.inputs.version}}'
add: ''
tag: v${{github.event.inputs.version}}

Finally, publish your release with notes and artifacts.

- name: Create a GitHub release
uses: ncipollo/release-action@v1
tag: v${{github.event.inputs.version}}
name: Neutralinojs v${{github.event.inputs.version}} released!
bodyFile: ./.tmprz/
artifacts: './bin/neutralinojs-v${{github.event.inputs.version}}.zip'
draft: true

See a complete workflow here. The ReleaseZri project itself maintains release notes with ReleaseZri. See its workflow here.

If you need to learn more about DevOps practices and why we built ReleaseZri you can read this article.